format_str = "(Answer in Action-Operation-Sensitive format.)\n" # You can use other format to replace "Action-Operation-Sensitive"
history_str = "\nHistory steps: "
for index, (grounded_op_func, action) in enumerate(zip(history_grounded_op_funcs, history_actions)):
history_str += f"\n{index}. {grounded_op_func}\t{action}" # start from 0.
query = f"Task: {task}{history_str}\n{platform_str}{format_str}" # Be careful about the \n
"Task: Search for doors, click doors on sale and filter by brands \"Mastercraft\".\nHistory steps: \n0. CLICK(box=[[352,102,786,139]], element_info='Search')\tLeft click on the search box located in the middle top of the screen next to the Menards logo.\n1. TYPE(box=[[352,102,786,139]], text='doors', element_info='Search')\tIn the search input box at the top, type 'doors'.\n2. CLICK(box=[[787,102,809,139]], element_info='SEARCH')\tLeft click on the magnifying glass icon next to the search bar to perform the search.\n3. SCROLL_DOWN(box=[[0,209,998,952]], step_count=5, element_info='[None]')\tScroll down the page to see the available doors.\n4. CLICK(box=[[280,708,710,809]], element_info='Doors on Sale')\tClick the \"Doors On Sale\" button in the middle of the page to view the doors that are currently on sale.\n(Platform: WIN)\n(Answer in Action-Operation format.)\n"
``` python
"Task: Search for doors, click doors on sale and filter by brands \"Mastercraft\".\nHistory steps: \n0. CLICK(box=[[352,102,786,139]], element_info='Search')\tLeft click on the search box located in the middle top of the screen next to the Menards logo.\n1. TYPE(box=[[352,102,786,139]], text='doors', element_info='Search')\tIn the search input box at the top, type 'doors'.\n2. CLICK(box=[[787,102,809,139]], element_info='SEARCH')\tLeft click on the magnifying glass icon next to the search bar to perform the search.\n3. SCROLL_DOWN(box=[[0,209,998,952]], step_count=5, element_info='[None]')\tScroll down the page to see the available doors.\n4. CLICK(box=[[280,708,710,809]], element_info='Doors on Sale')\tClick the \"Doors On Sale\" button in the middle of the page to view the doors that are currently on sale.\n(Platform: WIN)\n(Answer in Action-Operation format.)\n"