This commit is contained in:
root 2024-09-24 14:28:33 +08:00
parent 8a47ba226b
commit 98e1c22bd8
1 changed files with 300 additions and 0 deletions

configuration.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
"type": "ClassificationModel",
"mm_model": {
"type": "ImageClassifier",
"pretrained": null,
"backbone": {
"type": "NextViT",
"arch": "small",
"path_dropout": 0.2
"neck": {
"type": "GlobalAveragePooling"
"head": {
"type": "LinearClsHead",
"num_classes": 1296,
"in_channels": 1024,
"loss": {
"type": "CrossEntropyLoss",
"loss_weight": 1.0
"init_cfg": [{
"type": "TruncNormal",
"layer": "Linear",
"std": 0.02,
"bias": 0.0
"dataset": {
"classes": null
"preprocessor": {
"type": "image-classification-bypass-preprocessor",
"train": [
"type": "LoadImageFromFile"
"type": "RandomResizedCrop",
"size": 224,
"backend": "pillow",
"interpolation": "bicubic"
"type": "RandomFlip",
"flip_prob": 0.5,
"direction": "horizontal"
"type": "RandAugment",
"policies": [
"type": "AutoContrast"
"type": "Equalize"
"type": "Invert"
"type": "Rotate",
"magnitude_key": "angle",
"magnitude_range": [0, 30]
"type": "Posterize",
"magnitude_key": "bits",
"magnitude_range": [4, 0]
"type": "Solarize",
"magnitude_key": "thr",
"magnitude_range": [256, 0]
"type": "SolarizeAdd",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 110]
"type": "ColorTransform",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.9]
"type": "Contrast",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.9]
"type": "Brightness",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.9]
"type": "Sharpness",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.9]
"type": "Shear",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.3],
"direction": "horizontal"
"type": "Shear",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.3],
"direction": "vertical"
"type": "Translate",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.45],
"direction": "horizontal"
"type": "Translate",
"magnitude_key": "magnitude",
"magnitude_range": [0, 0.45],
"direction": "vertical"
"num_policies": 2,
"total_level": 10,
"magnitude_level": 9,
"magnitude_std": 0.5,
"hparams": {
"pad_val": [104, 116, 124],
"interpolation": "bicubic"
"type": "RandomErasing",
"erase_prob": 0.25,
"mode": "rand",
"min_area_ratio": 0.02,
"max_area_ratio": 0.3333333333333333,
"fill_color": [103.53, 116.28, 123.675],
"fill_std": [57.375, 57.12, 58.395]
"type": "Normalize",
"mean": [123.675, 116.28, 103.53],
"std": [58.395, 57.12, 57.375],
"to_rgb": true
"type": "ImageToTensor",
"keys": ["img"]
"type": "ToTensor",
"keys": ["gt_label"]
"type": "Collect",
"keys": ["img", "gt_label"]
"val": [
"type": "LoadImageFromFile"
"type": "Resize",
"size": [256, -1],
"backend": "pillow",
"interpolation": "bicubic"
"type": "CenterCrop",
"crop_size": 224
"type": "Normalize",
"mean": [123.675, 116.28, 103.53],
"std": [58.395, 57.12, 57.375],
"to_rgb": true
"type": "ImageToTensor",
"keys": ["img"]
"type": "Collect",
"keys": ["img"]
"train": {
"dataloader": {
"batch_size_per_gpu": 32,
"workers_per_gpu": 4
"max_epochs": 1,
"runner": {
"type": "EpochBasedRunner",
"max_epochs": 300
"evaluation": {
"interval": 1,
"metric": "accuracy",
"save_best": "auto"
"checkpoint_config": {
"interval": 1,
"max_keep_ckpts": 20,
"create_symlink": true
"log_config": {
"interval": 100,
"hooks": [
"type": "TextLoggerHook"
"custom_hooks": [
"type": "EMAHook",
"momentum": 4e-05,
"priority": "ABOVE_NORMAL"
"workflow": [
["train", 1]
"work_dir": "./work_dir",
"optimizer": {
"type": "AdamW",
"lr": 0.001,
"weight_decay": 0.1,
"eps": 1e-08,
"betas": [0.9, 0.999],
"paramwise_cfg": {
"norm_decay_mult": 0.0,
"bias_decay_mult": 0.0,
"custom_keys": {
".cls_token": {
"decay_mult": 0.0
".pos_embed": {
"decay_mult": 0.0
"optimizer_config": {
"grad_clip": {
"max_norm": 5.0
"lr_config": {
"policy": "CosineAnnealing",
"by_epoch": false,
"min_lr_ratio": 0.01,
"warmup": "linear",
"warmup_ratio": 0.001,
"warmup_iters": 20,
"warmup_by_epoch": true
"evaluation": {
"dataloader": {
"batch_size_per_gpu": 32,
"workers_per_gpu": 4
"metrics": ["accuracy"]